An Un-tended Native Flower Garden

I unfortunately have been unable to “take care” of my native flower garden this year.  In fact, today (June 14) was the first day since weed-whacking the entire garden last fall, that I got up the courage to take a look at what has come back up this year. I was pleased to find so many old friends doing not too badly.  Hopefully my untended garden will still be a haven for bees and butterflies.

The first thing I noticed was a row of Butterfly Weed.

B Weed mid June

Then I took a look at my Common Milkweed patch.  It is definitely thriving, now coming into full bloom with bees all over it.

C milkweed 06:14

milkweed with bee

The Culver’s Root has re-appeared, very tall this year and just beginning to look like Culver’s Root.

Culvers root 06:14

The Purple Coneflowers are just coming into bloom.

P Coneflower 06:14

The Daisy Fleabane is pretty much in bloom now.

Daisy Fleabane mid-june

I THINK this is the New York Ironweed that I planted last year.

NY Ironweed mid-June

A tiny bit of very early goldenrod is already in flower.

early goldenrod mid-june

Notably absent or still quite small:


M fistulosa 06:14

M. fistulosa mid-June 2016

  • Sweet Joe-Pye Weed.  I may see small amounts of it coming up, but apparently not thriving. This is another one I miss because it attracted so many bees.







The Importance of Late-Blooming Flowers

While visiting Robin in Virginia back in mid-October, I caught this bumblebee busily collecting nectar from Robin’s Small White Aster. The goldenrod was all but finished blooming for the year, and just about the only remaining flowers still in bloom were the asters. Where would this bumblebee have gone to find any nectar to help tide its nest over the upcoming winter if there had been no late-blooming asters?

Early Summer, Virginia-Style

I forgot I planted some Rattlesnake Master last year.  I discovered it in the garden a few days ago.

Rattlesnake Master

Rattlesnake Master

The Culver’s Root is in full bloom and swarming with bees and wasps.  You can’t tell it from this picture, but this is one of those blue wasps.

Culver's Root with Wasp

Culver’s Root with Wasp

The Sweet Joe Pye is in full bloom and swarming with bees.

Sweet Joe Pye Weed

Sweet Joe Pye Weed

The Monarda fistulosa is in full flower and the bees are all over it. You can see a couple of bees here.  My attempts to make a video of this have not been too successful.

Monarda fistulosa Early July

Monarda fistulosa Early July

Much of my goldenrod is already blooming.  This may be an “early” goldenrod.  However, I think it was quite a bit later last year. (As you may be able to tell I have “stray” milkweed plants all over the place.)

Goldenrod Early July

Goldenrod Early July

If you’ve ever wondered “why grow goldenrod?” — here’s why.  I found this little guy in my goldenrod. I think it’s a Pearl Crescent.

Butterfly in Goldenrod

Butterfly in Goldenrod

I found this little butterfly on my Mountain Mint this afternoon.  I haven’t identified it yet.  My best guess is a Northern Cloudywing — a skipper.

Small Butterfly on Mountain Mint

Small Butterfly on Mountain Mint

My Liatris is very tall but seems to be behind Deb’s in Delaware — not blooming yet.

Liatris in Early July -- not Blooming Yet

Liatris in Early July — not Blooming Yet

Early Summer, Delaware-Style

The 4th of July has come and gone, and my summer flowers are starting to ramp it up.  The early-bloomers are humming with bees, and the late-bloomers are finally having a growth spurt after hanging back and letting the other ones go first.  My wrens fledged a few weeks ago, causing quite a ruckus in the backyard for about two weeks, then Mr. and Mrs. Wren decided to get in the “family way” again, so now she is sitting on eggs and he is still proclaiming his territory and keeping a close eye on the box.  After a brief hiatus in hummingbird activity while they were nesting, the hummers are back again in full force, and I am having a hard time keeping up with them so the feeder doesn’t run dry!  So here are some pictures showing what is going on:


My Indian Pink was especially beautiful this year

I finally got a blossom on my common milkweed and the bumblebees found it right away!

I finally got a blossom on my common milkweed and the bumblebees found it right away!

The butterfly weed in my hot, front garden is pretty happy

The butterfly weed in my hot front garden is pretty happy, and I actually saw a hummingbird visiting it last week!

Butterfly weed

Butterfly weed

The bee balm bloomed extravagantly and the bumblebees and hummingbirds have loved it!

The bee balm bloomed extravagantly and the bumblebees and hummingbirds have loved it!

Close-up of a bee balm flower

Close-up of a bee balm flower

My liatris is blooming very nicely after all the rain we've had this summer

My liatris is blooming very nicely after all the rain we’ve had this summer

I planted this little beautyberry bush last fall, expecting it to die over the winter, but it has done really well, even putting out a few blossoms, which a VERY tiny bee has found!

I planted this little beautyberry bush last fall, expecting it to die over the winter, but it has done really well, even putting out a few blossoms, which a VERY tiny bee has found! Click on the picture to enlarge it.


Tiny bee, about 1/8″ long, in the center

My common sneezeweed, inappropriately named, finally decided it could survive in my hot garden!

My common sneezeweed, inappropriately named, finally decided it could survive in my hot garden!

Native honeysuckle.  This is its second time blooming since spring.

Native honeysuckle. This is its second time blooming since spring.

Surprise visitors to my backyard!  I have been hearing red-shouldered hawks screaming all spring and summer in my neighborhood, so I figured there was a nest nearby.  This sight greeted me when I came down for breakfast last weekend--a young hawk sitting above my wren box, an adult on the fence, and a mockingbird harassing the adult!

Surprise visitors to my backyard! I have been hearing red-shouldered hawks screaming all spring and summer in my neighborhood, so I figured there was a nest nearby. This sight greeted me when I came down for breakfast last weekend–a young hawk sitting above my wren box, an adult on the fence, and a mockingbird harassing the adult!

And finally, my pokeweed is flourishing this year, practically looking like a tree!  I harvested the berries last year (the ones the birds didn't get first!) and took them in to TriState Bird Rescue for the birds to eat over the winter.

And finally, my pokeweed is flourishing this year, practically looking like a tree! I harvested the berries last year (the ones the birds didn’t get first!) and took them in to TriState Bird Rescue for the birds to eat over the winter.

Mid-June 2015 in Virginia

Here’s what’s happening as of June 15, 2015.

The Sweet Joe Pye  Weed is coming  into bloom.

Sweet Joe Pye Weed Coming into Bloom Mid June

Sweet Joe Pye Weed Coming into Bloom Mid June

The Monarda fistulosa is starting to bloom and the bumblebees have already found it.

M. fistulosa with Bumblebees

M. fistulosa with Bumblebees

My common milkweed patch is quite large and the bumblebees are all over it.

Common Milkweed Patch

Common Milkweed Patch

Bumblebees on Milkweed

Bumblebees on Milkweed

Speaking of common milkweed, does anyone know what this small mass of eggs is? (Lower part of leaf on right)

Eggs on Milkweed

Eggs on Milkweed

My Culver’s Root is very tall this year and is starting to look very lyre-like as can be seen in this rather out-of-focus picture.

Culver's Root

Culver’s Root

Some of my goldenrod is perilously close to blooming.  I say “perilously” because this seems quite early to me.

Goldenrod Close to Blooming

Goldenrod Close to Blooming

Finally, my Eastern Red Cedar is loaded with berries this year.  I can’t wait for the Cedar Waxwings and other birds to find them.

Eastern Red Cedar Loaded with Berries

Eastern Red Cedar Loaded with Berries

Book Review: A Sting in the Tale: My Adventures with Bumblebees by Dave Goulson

In the preface, the author (now a Professor of Biology at the University of Sussex) dates his interest in bumblebees to when he was 7 years old and moved with his family to a little village in Shropshire. The house had a garden area and was opposite open countryside. For unknown reasons he was fascinated by all living creatures. (His father wasn’t interested in flowers or bees — although he allowed his son to plant whatever would attract bees or butterflies — and his mother was a sports teacher with a dislike of “creepy crawlies.”) The only adult he remembers encouraging his interest was a primary school teacher who loved to take her students out looking for “bugs or beasts.” She showed them how to identify trees and how to catch beetles and was especially “keen on pond-dipping.” His parents did allow him to acquire all the nature books he wanted. He became an avid collector of both living creatures and preserved specimens.   A seminal moment in his life was when he received a catalog from Watkins and Doncaster, “suppliers of entomological equipment.” Not only was there a fascinating array of equipment available but he realized “there were lots of other people out there like me.”

As we move into the book, we learn that when the author was born in 1965 the short-haired bumblebee was still quite widespread in the UK but by 1984 when the author entered graduate school it was nearly extinct. The cause of this loss, and that of other bee species as well, can be assigned to changes in farming methods. One hundred years ago farming was not mechanized. Farmers depended on horses for power and horses eat clover, so most farmers grew clover which bees also love. Most farmers had hay meadows, and artificial fertilizers weren’t available. Wild flowers, particularly those with symbiotic root bacteria that could trap nitrogen from the air (e.g. clovers) flourished in the low-nutrient soils of the hay meadows. Crops were grown in rotation. There were no pesticides. Fast forward a few years and horses were replaced by the internal combustion engine. The booming oil industry made it possible to synthesize cheap nitrogen-based fertilizers. Crop rotation and clover leys were abandoned. When hay fields are fertilized, the grass grows much faster and flowers cannot compete. With the advent of World War II, the changes in farming were vastly accelerated as every effort was made to feed Great Britain’s population from its own agriculture.  DDT became readily available. Organophosphate chemicals (nerve gases) developed during the war became available to farmers after the war to combat insect pests. Food rationing in Great Britain ended in 1954 but farmers continued to receive financial incentives to increase production until the 1990’s. By then almost all the flower-rich habitats and 98% of lowland hay meadows in the UK had disappeared. By the late 1980s it was becoming obvious that most of the UK’s wildlife was in rapid decline and what was being done to the countryside might not be sustainable.   As stated by the author: “Farms need flowers to support the bees that pollinate our crops, and they need predatory beetles, wasps and flies to eat the pests that eat the crops.” So now schemes are being introduced to pay farmers for encouraging wildlife on their land. Farmers can get funding to re-sow the wild flower meadows and replant the hedges they were previously paid to remove. The author feels that the UK may have turned a corner but recovery is slow.

Luckily, in the late 1800’s some species of British bees were transplanted to New Zealand, which subsequently was much less impacted by World War II. The author describes how efforts are now underway to bring these bees back to their native land to help restore the UK’s bee populations now that their habitat is slowly being restored.

Much of this book is devoted to the author’s and his graduate students’ studies of bee biology and behavior and their efforts to restore bee populations in the UK. How do you figure out how far a given bee can fly in order to forage and get back home again?

Perhaps my favorite chapter in the book is the one about his purchase of an old farm site in France. Land in France was much less expensive than in Great Britain. To turn an abandoned piece of over-fertilized farmland into a flower-rich meadow, the excess fertility must be removed so that the wildflowers can once again compete with the grasses. The slowest but least expensive way to do this is to cut and remove the hay each year, thus resulting in a slow decline in fertility. Very slowly, over the last decade, his meadows have begun to fill with flowers.   As the flowers have returned, so have the bees and other pollinators. A good question is where do the flower seeds for this to occur come from? Some seeds are wind-dispersed. Some, such as cowslips, have survived along the edge of the track to the farm and slowly spread into the meadow, a few feet each year.

Among the fascinating pieces of information from this chapter — over the past 15 years, the author has gathered records as to which bumblebees feed on which flowers. It seems that some bee species get nearly all their pollen from legumes. The author sent pollen samples off for determination of their nutritional composition. It turns out that legume pollen is unusually rich in “essential amino acids” which animals cannot synthesize for themselves. Ancient hay meadows are full of clovers, trefoils, vetches, meddicks and melilots, able to outcompete grasses because of their symbiotic root bacteria which enable them to “fix” nitrogen from the air. In the words of the author, “since pollen is the only source of protein available to bees, it makes sense for them to selectively visit the flowers that provide the richest source.”

As mentioned  in the book, in 2006 Professor Goulson founded the Bumblebee Conservation Trust.   When this book went to press, there were over 8,000 paid-up members “creating flower-rich habitat all across Britain.” Since reading this book, I have “googled” the phrase “flower-rich meadows.” Virtually every link that comes up is out of the UK. It seems that the British are indeed taking the need for pollinator habitat seriously. Are we here in the U.S. doing anything similar?

The author has a sequel coming out in April called A Buzz in the Meadow: The Natural History of a French Farm. Amazon is supposed to get it to me precisely on April 22, 2015. I can’t wait.
